BZ to POC Sasha S who was officially appointed as 1st Sea Lord Cadet for Southern Area this weekend....

BZ to POC Sasha S who was officially appointed as 1st Sea Lord Cadet for Southern Area this weekend….

2021-11-30 16:41:33

BZ to POC Sasha S who was officially appointed as 1st Sea Lord Cadet for Southern Area this weekend.

This is a highly prestigious appointment and will see POC Sasha representing the SCC at a National Level and attending many high profile events.

This is the first time that this has been awarded…


Congratulations to POC Sasha of Milton Keynes for being selected as the next 1st Sea Lord Cadet for Southern Area.

This is a first in my memory that we have had a 1st Sea Lord Cadet from our district and long may we continue to provide such high calibre candidates from our units.

Bravo Zulu!
District Officer
